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Application to become iTech
First Nameyour full name
LastNameyour full name
Business / Trading nameyour full name
Mobile Numberyour full name
Landlineyour full name


Where Are You Currently Based?

Address 1your full name
Address 1your full name
Town / Cityyour full name
Countryyour full name
Post Codeyour full name

How far from the above address will you travel for Call Out appointments?

The further you are prepared to go the more jobs you will get

Phone Repair Experience
How long have you been doing mobile phone repairs?

How many of the following devices have you repaired?

You don’t have to be able to repair all makes, we will only give you jobs for devices you have experience with so please be honest

Which of the following can you repair?

Select all the devices below you can repair that you want jobs for from iRepair
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